10 Things Desi Moms Do That Shows Their Unconditional Love

10 Things Desi Moms Do That Shows Their Unconditional Love


Mothers Day is coming up just around the corner. We all love our mom’s but this day we can show off a little extra love. Here are things that reminds our desi moms love us no matter what.

They Clean Up After Us

Even though my mom has always maintained that the boys in the family have to help around the home chores, she still makes an extra effort to keep things tidy and organized in our absence. Of course, it usually means treasure hunting for certain things

Special Parathas All The Way

No matter what time of the day it is, if you come up to your mom and ask for a paratha shell fire up the “choola” and get busy. Also her ingenious ideas to make parathas from leftovers is truly God send.

Desi Totkai For The Win

Nothing can beat our desi moms “totkai” for sore throats, headaches and even broken hearts. Forget Panadol, Paracetamol a healthy infusion of our mom herbs and “duaien” is all that we need sometimes.

Calls After Nightfall

“Beta Kidhar Ho” are the first words we hear as soon as the sun sets. Its like a natural alarm clock that follows us around. Our very own personal pager.

Waiting Up For The Last Person Before Locking Up

Be it 1 am or 5, our desi moms make sure to stay up late waiting for the last person to arrive before locking. Also they’d always ask if we’re hungry or need something before heading off to bed.

Removing The Evil Eye

Our desi moms are really overprotective of us. Not just physically but also spiritually. Which is why a cleanse of the evil eye is ensued when an achievement is made or just generally whenever there “superstitious senses” tingle.

Celebrating Birthdays In Style

Its your birthday? Fret not. Desi moms are always prepared in advance to throw the most awesome birthday bash, topping your expectations from last year. Dishes upon dishes of moms once in a lifetime amazing cuisine that no other restaurant can beat at your fingertips! If that isnt love I dont know what is.

Saving Your Butt Being Kicked By Dad

Did something wrong and now youre afraid to get scolded? Desi moms always step in and save the day. They are our superheros with invisible capes.

Kissing Scrapres And Bruises

Who remembers getting “baboos” in their childhood. Our desi mom would only have to kiss it to make the pain go away and the tear to stop. Better than any damn tetanus shot to be honest.

Carrying Us For 9 Months

In the end, the ultimate fact of life for all mothers to love their children unconditionally is their journey of 9 months through mood swings, labor pains, body aches, morning sickness to deliver us to this world.

