11 Most Beautiful Islands in Pakistan

11 Most Beautiful Islands in Pakistan


When we talk about the beautiful places to visit in Pakistan, we mostly refer to the amazingly beautiful northern areas in the country. However, there are some other very beautiful places in Pakistan as well. On the southern end of the country, there is the amazingly beautiful Arabian Sea with many beautiful beaches along the Pakistani coastline. Pakistan also has a number of beautiful islands. Many of these islands are located in the Arabian Sea. Some of these islands have become major tourist destinations and every year thousands of tourists visit these islands. Here are the 11 most beautiful islands in Pakistan.

11 – Buddo Island

10 – Churna Island

9 – Bundal Island

8 – Malan Island

7 – Bukkar Island

6 – Zalzala Koh

5 – Shams Pir

4 – Manora Island

3 – Clifton Oyester Rocks

2 – Baba and Bhit Islands

1 – Astola Island

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