By Ali Tahir
1. Life is not about you.
That Facebook status is not about you, it is a general statement. Bad things don’t happen to you, they just happen. No one is secretly trying to make you miserable, you are not the center of everyone’s Universe. Stop thinking about yourself, think about others as well. Put their needs before yours, and be generous. That does not necessarily mean you always take care of others before taking care of yourself, balance them both and you will have a good adult life.
2. Things will never satisfy the soul.
Things do not bring real happiness, it is just a short lived illusion that looks like it. Spend more on experiences rather than things.
3. Credit Cards are dangerous.
They wont kill you in your sleep, but the risk of you spending more than you can afford and getting in a lot of debt are high.

4. Read More.
By now we hope you understand that reading more and handwork are two differentiators of success. Maybe the Internet is still attractive, the TV is a form of relaxation, and video games can be fun as well. But when it comes to really doing something for yourself, reading is all you have got. Books will help you gain knowledge and enrich your vocabulary will stimulate your brain and at the end of the day you will feel relaxed. And no, magazines don’t count.
5. Travel More.
You are young, free, you might not have kids, you probably have a stable job and it is the perfect time to travel. You wont get a chance after that. The job will get more stressful, and family and kids would demand more time. Pack your things, and go on a trip. It doesn’t matter where you are going, it may be camping, island adventure or in the middle of nowhere, just go enjoy.

6. Save Money.
Start saving money from the moment you were able to pay your rent fully and you still have something left. Don’t spend it all on your cloths and partying, think about the future. Expenses are going to skyrocket, once you’re supporting a family and affording a comfortable living is easier if you have a saving.
7. Have a healthy lifestyle.
One thing is for sure, when you’re 30 your body is not getting any better. That is, if you don’t do anything about it. Metabolism slows with age. Certain things about your body are going to get bigger. You will know what i’m talking about. So help your body be in its best shape. Cut down on Fast Food, and start drinking more water and exercise. Remember, age is just a number if don’t do something about it. You can look better in your 30’s than you did in 20’s.
8. It’s you who is looking back in the mirror.
It may seem silly, but most of us should be proud and happy with who we are. Stop trying to impress everyone and comparing yourself with others. If they don’t like you, maybe you’re better off without them. Not everyone will like you, but that’s life. Be silly, laugh, have fun and enjoy life.
9. Learn to say NO.
Refusing the tempting offer to go out drinking and partying with your best friends does not make you a bad person. Saying NO when your boss asks you to stay overtime again and do some extra work will not make you a bad employee. Learning how to prioritize is one of the best things you can do for yourself and don’t feel guilty about it. It is your life, not anyone else’s. Choose love, health and family before anything else. Just remember, when you say Yes to something, your’e saying No to everything else you could have done in that time.
10. Have close friends.
Even if you haven’t seen them in a very long time, take time out to meet them and talk to them. Close friends are like a second family and they should count more than money and career. When things get harder, friends and family are the ones who would be there for you, no matter what. Cherish them, have fun with them, as long as you’re blessed to have them around.