Islamabad, the world’s 3rd most beautiful capital of the world. Weather here does not take too long to turn. One minute you are experiencing a hot stuffy day, the next cool winds from the Margalla Hill blow to cool you down. The lush greenery seems to sparkle after every rain and dark, heavy onset of clouds brings good memories of “chai”. Islamabad is a treasure trove of natural beauty. The hilly horizons of Islamabad capture an essence of true natural beauty and leaves who ever gazes upon awestruck. Here are is our collection of 12 mesmerizing pictures of clouds that come about in good weather that will leave you feeling fluffy!
When it rains, it pours in Islamabad. Standing at traffic signals provides the most golden opportunity to snapshot giant cotton ball like clouds Islamabad is most famous for!

Sometimes, the cloud seem to resemblance fumes of a volcano! The ever growing, moody and dark colors may seem frightening but the temperature drop provides a good release to enjoy a quick of tea or a hot plate of “pakoras”
Sometimes, the clouds are just so big even the mountains of Margallas seem like small hills in comparison!

A beautiful shot of the clouds over Kashmir Highway! The clouds of Islamabad don’t lie about the rain. The dark underbelly is always an accurate sign of how hard and fast the rain is approaching.
Sometimes they resemble an ocean wave cleaning up all the pollution and dust with a swift shower of rain!

As the sun is about to set the sky can sometimes turn an incredible color of gold! The contrast between the dark clouds and light colored sky gives a very serene and calm feeling to the entire city.

The clouds are sometimes so beautiful that they make the ugly high rise buildings and under construction plaza look pretty!

Sometimes, its better to look up and marvel why did you not ever notice how beautiful nature really is in Islamabad.

The phenomena of light peeking through behind the clouds is dubbed by photographers as “Angle Rays”.